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Great show for points and travel hacks!
Love the show and newsletter, especially the ones on points and travel hacks. Like the new listener questions shows - keep doing those!

Huge Help
I had no clue on where to start when diving into the points and miles world. Fortunately for me I discovered Chris + All the Hacks when he was a guest on another podcast. Since then I’ve been hooked. Thanks Chris for all the help and advice you provide via your shows!

Great podcast, very insightful
Truly insightful. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed learning from this show and I wish I had known about this much sooner.

I learn something in every episode!
Chris presents so many helpful tips in every episode. Some are assuring confirmation of some things I’m already doing; most are completely new material. I’ve gotten money back, saved money, and improved my life overall by applying these tips. Great podcast.

Great life Hacks
Love to listen to the hacks to improve my life and finance’s

Hotel Upgrades
After listening to this podcast I got a tip that got an upgrade bottle of Champagne at the hotel we were staying at for my wife and my anniversar.

Wholesome show
One of my favorite podcast that touches on various aspects of life that I am really interested in.

Easily digestable and dense with info
You will learn so much from this podcast. And it’s all useful, practical information. So happy Tim Ferris mentioned this on this on his newsletter. What are you waiting for, go listen!

Lots of very usable tips
Love the guests so far and they’ve provided a lot of interesting stories and insider info on subjects like travel, finance, and health. Appreciate Chris’ interview style and how he usually gets more than a few great, usable tips out of each guest.

Super relatable, practical, and helpful!
I love listening to this podcast because Chris consistently gives me new ideas to optimize my life. Everything on this show is shared in such a relatable and practical way, so everyone can find something helpful.

So many great tips for improving your life
Chris has only been at this a year and he is crushing it. So many great guests. I’ve learned so much and already started earning more points, booking more travel, and even improved my relationships! Highly recommended!

Now I’m hooked
I discovered All the Hacks when Chris interviewed Arthur Brooks, and now I’m hooked. I often need to listen to an episode a few times to process all the valuable information!

Best travel/credit card podcast
I’ve gotten a lot of good info

Awesome podcast
Love the points and miles content

Perfect Podcast for financial motivation
Love this podcast and all of the tips and advice it offers

Day 1 fan
I discovered and subscribed to All The Hacks on day one. I was new to the points and miles game and Chris really helped me to get clear on how to maximize earning and redeeming points. Since then, I’ve also learned to optimize other areas in my life with all the other great hacks he shares. Chris is so open and honest and I appreciate his thoughtfulness and transparency as a host.

Fantastic Points and Miles Podcast
Great pod! I love all the points and miles episodes especially :)

Learned things I didn’t know I didn’t know
Enjoy all of Chris’s different topics, from point hacks to health hacks.

Great variety of topics & guests regarding investing and credit card hacks.

Been a subscriber since very early on…
and I love all the content so far, especially the travel-related items. The one thing I wish there was more of was content/strategies for people who are much earlier on in their travels because I’m not quite to the point where I can get access to some of the cards and programs discussed. I’m definitely working on it though so I’m looking forward to it. Otherwise, love Chris’ attitude and am looking forward to the community getting access to more benefits.

Very informative and entertaining. Great guests!
Chris does an outstanding job getting guests who are THE experts in their field. I’ve gotten so many great life, travel, and finance hacks from this show! Thanks Chris!!

One of my favorite podcasts
I have really enjoyed learning “All the Hacks” as you would say from this podcast. Almost every episode I find something new to explore!

Great content and tips
I only discovered this in the last year. Wish I knew about it years ago. So much quality.

Renewed my interest in Travel Hacking
I’ve been traveling hacking for awhile, but since the pandemic I started not focusing on it very much. This show has helped to re-energize my interest and provided information for new tools to help me to keep track of all the moving pieces. I’ve listened to a couple of episodes and look for to going back to previous shows.

Great tips awesome show notes
This podcast is enjoyable and helpful. I’ve already saved money from some of the hacks I’ve learned. I especially appreciate who well organized and helpful the show notes are. They link to all the hacks the info discussed in the episode. It makes it so much easier start using the hacks.

Such a practical, informative & entertaining podcast
I learn something new each episode. Highly recommend you subscribe so you don't miss topics of interest to you when they come along.

Optimizers Unite!
This is a great podcast, it’s covers a range of areas in life that you can optimize, with an emphasis on travel. I started travel hacking about 3-4 years ago, was skeptical at first, but have since been trying to optimize every aspect of travel hacking and credit cards in all areas of my life. This podcast is great, look forward to each weeks podcast. I’m a life optimizer, about 6 years ago I took a job as a optimization engineer, so you can say it’s something I’m “good” at? Sometimes an optimizer will waste time over analyzing and delaying, but I make sure I’m intentional and not over complicate optimizing everything in life.

Super interesting, insightful, and helpful!
I love this podcast! I’ve learned so much about points, crypto, traveling, and health. The episode with Arthur Brooks was one of my favorites!

Wish I found this podcast sooner
Heard about this show from Julia @geobreeze! Love this podcast! Wish I found it sooner!

Great Content
Love this show. I always learn something new and Chris genuinely wants us share his knowledge. Overall great vibe.