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Goldmine of advice/tips/hacks
For a life optimizer, this podcast is gold. Have enjoyed listening to every episode. I initially thought would be a financial/ travel point optimization podcast, but it has been so much more! Health, relationships, time management… touches every aspect of life. Keep it up Chris!

Better than True Crime!
Seriously, I’ve been on the true crime podcast bandwagon for too long. I needed something healthier and happier to listen to, that also appealed to my interests. Chris has great guests, and is always talking about one of my biggest passions: travel! I love learning more and more from this podcast.

Excellent wealth of knowledge
I’ve learned so many hacks listening to Chris’ show that I feel guilty listening for free! I truly enjoy the content and look forward to leaning more helpful, key life tips. The show is clear and easy to understand, I’ve recommended this podcast to friends and family.

Great podcast
I love hacks that have practical applications. This podcast provides great tips for hacking life.

Episode #4 Made me $6k
Chris, thanks for all the info you and your guest on episode #4 gave us! We listed to it a few times on a road trip through Big Sur. We had a lease that was ending the next month and because of the tips on that episode we were able to get the equity from the lease and come out with $6k in our pocket the next month! That was the last debt we had and ended with a bang! Please continue to share your hacks! I share this podcast with everyone 😎

One of the best
I’ve been listening since the first episode. Hands down one of my fav podcasts! educational, fun, & so inspiring!!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge Chris!

Quality Podcast
One of the highest-quality financial podcasts I’ve come across! Very practical information that anyone can understand and apply.

Very informational and great insights on points stacking!

Excellent podcast
Great podcast, diverse information, short and sweet, universally useful.

Like the podcast
I like this podcast and have learned a lot about financial info & travel. Great job on these episodes! I do have some concerns about the episodes that discuss health “hacks”. I found Episode 32 especially troubling. I think there should be major warnings when people are discussing health related items, and are recommending specific supplements or treatments. This guy has a doctor that he pays a lot of money to have these treatments and be monitored to make sure he’s doing them safely and not negatively impacting himself. Most people who may hear this and do some DIY treatment do not have this level of monitoring or input from a doctor. I would like more disclaimer that people need to work with an actual doctor and that this is not medical advice that people should DIY.

Actionable tips
Love this podcast! Lots of actionable tips and tricks for travel and other great life hacks. Also, I appreciate all the diving into different unknowns like buyer clubs. I’m also looking forward to the next episode!

TONS of Great Info
Very entertaining, helpful, and actionable podcast to improve all aspects of your life! This is my favorite podcast

Awesome Podcast and Life Hack
This podcast is great. While not every episode hits my interests, many do and teach me some real life hacks that save me plenty of time and money. Great work Chris!

The only show I regularly listen to
This show is great and it is the only one I regularly listen to. Such high quality content, guests, and sponsors. Chris has really great recommendations so I trust his judgement. Highly recommend!

Great hacks!
I’ve been listening to this podcast for about a month and learned a ton of tricks! Including which card made sense to finance our move back home! Thank you!

Great travel podcast
Love this podcast, have learned so much! Excited to use all the new travel hacks on our big upcoming trip!

Great listen
This is a well produced podcast that helps me pick up tips on points or saving money. I may not always use all the hacks but it’s nice to know what’s out there or what is available.

The best life hacks podcast
I came for the travel hacking episodes (and they’re still some of my favorites), but the unsung heroes are all the other episodes. Chris Hutchins brings on such good guests from all aspects of life. I’ve learned a ton and have implemented so many little hacks that have vastly improved my life thanks to this podcast.

Great content, great guests
I’ve been listening since the first podcast and love the diversity of topics covered. Content is engaging and keeps me listening and coming back week after week.

Great show
Good tips and hacks, very well done

Love the show and listening each week. Has great guests on each week and helps me to learn a lot more about points, travel, and life in general

Must Listen
Great host, great guests, great topics for all things life hacking — particularly in the areas of travel, finance, and health/wellness. Highly recommended!

Great hacks!
Given me lots of ideas to maximize my spending rewards!

Always useful
One of the hacks for life is to listen to Chris’s podcast. You can learn so much in an hour or so per week. No filler, super useful. I’ve bought most of the books he has featured and they have been fantastic and then recommended by me to others. Regardless of the topic, the episodes are well done and are immensely practical.

Great podcast. Do more Q&A episodes.
I’ve been listening since episode 1. But recently I’ve gotten into travel hacking so I went back and re-listened to all the episodes dealing with points and credit cards. By far my favorite episodes were the Q&A episodes. Definitely listened to them multiple times. They cover so much ground from multiple different angles. I love the way you explain your viewpoints. Keep up the great work.

Great Life-optimization Podcast
“All the Hacks” has been an invaluable resource for me over the past several months. In this podcast, Chris covers everything from travel hacks to leadership best practices, and everything in between. Instead of shooting in the dark, Chris and his guests have set up a roadmap for me to cultivate a happier, healthier, and financially independent lifestyle. Thanks, Chris!

Chris is a fountain of knowledge!
I love this podcast! I’ve learned so many interesting things. Health, money, travel it’s all in one place! Thank you Chris I look forward to All the Hacks every week!

Never boring, Always something to learn
Love the vast array of content, from travel, life goals, health, books, and inspirational leaders. My go to podcast because content is relevant and Chris, the host, is super down to earth and relatable.

Thank you for sharing
This is an awesome podcast, thanks for your efforts and sharing all these knowledge

Wholistic life hacking
I love the various ways this podcast features life hacks, not just for efficiency but also for a more meaningful life. Chris brings on top notch guests and the takeaways are actionable and thought provoking!