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Feb. 10, 2022

💸 Optimizing Insurance Part 2 (Life, Disability and Travel)

Advertiser Disclosure In Optimizing nsurance Part 1 I wrote about a few main types of insurance: homeowners/renters, auto, liability/umbrella and pet. While those made up most of the policies I had since going to college, there are a few other type…
Jan. 27, 2022

💸 Optimizing Insurance Part 1 (Home/Auto/Liability/Pet)

Last year, weather-related disasters cost the US $145 billion dollars1 and in 2020 the total cost of motor-vehicle deaths, injuries, and property damage in the US was $474 billion2. Now despite that insurance companies are still making lots of money…
Jan. 13, 2022

📝 Bucket Lists and Living a Life Without Regret

Coming into a new year has always had the feeling of starting fresh. The calendar year starts over and we all have a proverbial blank slate to work with. Some of you may be working on new resolutions and others might still be figuring them out. …
Dec. 30, 2021

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Protecting Your Family with Estate Planning

We’re coming to the end of the holiday season. With 2022 just around the corner, many of us may be reflecting on the time we just spent with family and friends and ways to do right by them. It’s been a wild few years and we’ve all …
Dec. 16, 2021

🎁 A Season of Giving & Year End Financial/Tax Checklist

We are in the thick of the holiday season. Not only are we in the spendiest time of the year, but also the most charitable. Charities see a huge boost in donations from November to December. In fact, the busiest days for charities tend to be Giving …
Dec. 2, 2021

💵 Cash: How Much To Keep + Where To Put It

I try to invest as much of my money as I can in the market because I’m a huge fan of compound interest and am focused on building my wealth. Personally, I keep my long-term investments at Wealthfront, where the 5-year return for a 9.0 risk sco…
Nov. 18, 2021

🛍 Saving on Holiday Shopping (+ Advice from Listeners)

Advertiser Disclosure As we get closer to Black Friday, some of you may be finalizing your holiday gifting plans or looking for ways to minimize the spending we’ll be doing through the end of the year.  I have some tricks for navigating…
Nov. 4, 2021

⏱ It's About Time...

We can sometimes forget that time is a currency on its own. You can always make more money, but unfortunately you don’t get that option with time. Once it’s gone, it’s gone for good.  We can, however, find ways to minimize th…
Dec. 21, 2017

$2,000 Discount on a Peloton

Living in San Francisco, it’s hard not to find yourself in a regular discussion about the latest startups or living a healthy lifestyle. So when a Peloton launched a in-home cycling experience similar to SoulCycle, it seemed to come up in quit…
April 14, 2014

Life Lessons From Granddad

John Leslie Sayre (March 28 1924 - April 11 2014) In The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway writes: Don’t you ever get the feeling that all your life is going by and you’re not taking advantage of it? Do you realize you&rs…