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Jan. 27, 2023

🏑 Owning a Home: Build Wealth + Tactics to Save More

On average, Americans spend 25.8% of their earnings on housing costs, but there are plenty of creative ways to reduce that through house hacking. Now, don’t let that conjure up images of roommates or bunk beds, you don't necessarily have to sa…

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Dec. 29, 2022

πŸŽ‰ Top Learnings and Credit Cards of 2022

Advertiser Disclosure I have an incredibly packed newsletter to share with you, so I’ll keep the intro short. I’m going to run through… My 10 biggest takeaways from the past 94 episodes of the podcast (and what I will focus …

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Dec. 29, 2022

βœ… My 2022 Year End Checklist for Taxes, Money, Points and Miles

Advertiser Disclosure There are a few days left in 2022, so you still have time to do some year-end tax and financial planning. My approach is to avoid, minimize or postpone my taxes as much as possible while 100% following the rules of law. Given …

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Dec. 16, 2022

🎁 2022 Holiday Gift Guide

As the holidays get closer, I thought I’d put together a list of my favorite products, gifts, past purchases and more. Hopefully some of them might make good ideas for gifts this holiday season. If you have any suggestions for things I should …

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Dec. 1, 2022

🏝️ The Best Deals for Vacation Rentals and Homes.

I know many of you enjoy traveling (maybe even as much as I do), but sometimes, you want a place to stay that isn’t just a hotel. Finding the right option can take time because there are so many choices. A few weeks ago, I released a solo epis…

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Nov. 18, 2022

πŸ₯ Beating Healthcare: Saving Money and Pushing Back

Today is one one of those newsletters you bookmark because I’m sure you want to reference it later. Take it from me… before 2021 I had an infrequent relationship with the healthcare system. Since then, I've experienced shingles, a broke…

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Oct. 3, 2022

🍸 Hosting Memorable Cocktail Parties

A few weeks ago I had an incredible conversation with Nick Gray (🎧 Ep68) on how to host a successful cocktail party. He literally wrote the book on building big relationships through small gatherings. I’m so used to hosting/attending dinner pa…

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Sept. 22, 2022

πŸ”’ Protecting Yourself from Scammers, Phishers, and Identity Thieves

Advertiser Disclosure The combo of increasingly sophisticated scammers and so much of our personal data living online is a scary and frustrating thing to think about. I’d been curious about the topic of cybersecurity and identity since someon…

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Sept. 8, 2022

πŸš€ My Top Apps/Products for a Productive and Optimized Life

Last week I wrote about productivity, including strategies and tactics to combat procrastination, fight distractions, and engage in deep work. If you missed it, you can read it here. This week I wanted to follow that up by sharing all my favorite ap…

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Sept. 1, 2022

πŸš€ Productivity Tactics to Optimize Work and Life

Hi all, Chris here! I love finding ways to become more productive. There is so much to cover on the topic, but today I want to focus on providing you the strategies and tactics to combat procrastination, fight distractions, and engage in deep work.&…

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