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Chris is the man!
All of the Hacks is one of my go to and most shared podcasts. Chris does a great job of weaving in interesting guests and holding them to share easy to apply knowledge. Not only does Chris explore topics like money, points, etc he also sprinkles in guests with things to share about life, family, and purpose. Thanks Chris!

Binge worthy podcast once you find it.
I found all the hacks a month or two ago, and I’ve been going back and binging them. Great, every day advice in a digestible format with all the links in the show notes. Are usually listen to podcast when I’m in the car, and frequently, I will pull over to take notes. I look forward to booking my first rewards trip for the family based on information I heard here.

Seriously…this is All The Hacks!
I’ve been bingeing this podcast since Feb 2023 and I’m bummed I didn’t find this earlier. Finally someone is peeling back the layers of how do some of the points and miles hacks instead of just talking about them. I have enjoyed everyone so these episodes and I can’t wait to catch up to the latest one. Keep up the great work Chris!

The podcast I keep coming back to
All the hacks covers an extreme amount of topics useful for everyday life from insurance, to self-help, to credit card hacking and things of that nature. This is the podcast I have been listening to every week and doesn’t get old. There are podcasts i listen to for a bit and then tune out of them, but Chris keeps his shows interesting and makes me want to come back every week.

Optimization to the extreme!
I consider myself a life optimizer but this guy takes it to a whole other level. Great content and great guests on every show! The only downside is he was pushing blockfi ads for the longest time and then they went bankrupt lol.

Great listen, more than “hacks”
I have been listening since the beginning. Very good interviews. As a new business owner, this podcast has helped me through some challenging times. Ikigai (as a concept) as discussed in one interview has given me a framework to build the balance in my business family and life. Also, this hooked me up for amex offer for 140k points (mote then 40 k more than any online offer… THANKS CHRIS!

Good info
Well researched and lots of information that was new to me.

Great podcast
Top tier life optimization podcast!

Great source of info for maximizing your rewards
Great wealth of knowledge of both hacks and tips that we should all take advantage of.

Love this podcast
This is the podcast I look forward to each week. I love the variety of topics and all the great tips to save money on basic things, optimize travel and life in general. The new “deep dives” on travel destinations is great too, especially since I happen to be going to Japan and Italy this year. Keep it coming!

Amazing content
Keep bringing great content! I learn something that is immediately valuable to me in every episode. Let me know when I can quit medicine and come work for you! Travel corespondent?! I appreciate the value your podcast brings to my life.

Succinct, practical, and well-organized tips delivered in a pleasant voice and with good quality audio. One of my new favorites.

Fantastic show for optimizers!
Some of us are just wired differently. If you love scoring the best deals that exist, ensuring you don’t miss out on benefits you’re due through travel or credit card benefits, even getting the most out of your travel

Helpful and fun
Chris has done all the legwork in researching ways to maximize points, time, and travel. I love getting ideas I never would have thought of from him and his guests. The bonus episodes about specific countries are also great for people who love to travel. I look forward to this podcast every week and would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get more out of life!

Super fun and interesting podcast!
I love listening to this to help me maximize my benefits, make life easier, and enjoy travel more! Thanks, Chris!

Awesome content!
Great Pod. Chris is very passionate about life enhancing hacks!

New Favorite
Love this podcast! Chris does all the hard work so we can all reap the benefits. I have ‘leveled up’ in so many ways since becoming a regular listener. Great content and fun to listen to.

Thoughtful, generous ideas
I’ve really come to look forward to each week’s episode. The guests that Chris invited are so well-curated, and I’ve learned loads. Thanks for your generosity of spirit, Chris!

Amazing Show; LOVE it!
I started to listen to this show maybe 6 months ago! By far; it is my favorite podcast. It is great for teaching you how to be smart and take advantage of all the tricks and short cuts to get you good deals; if not free. I have a very good CC score and I also follow the FI (Financial Independence) movement. So; to learn to take advantage of my good credit and use my credit cards to feed my passion for travel is fantastic . I highly recommend this podcast!

Very helpful
Great show

One of my favorites
This is a fantastic podcast. I’ve been travel hacking for years but this show has opened my eyes to new and better ways to use my points. It’s one of my few must listens every week. Thanks Chris!

Excellent content!
I enjoy listening to this podcast. I learn new hacks every week! Thanks Chris.

My favorite podcast!!!
I originally found “All the Hacks” through travel hacking podcasts, but the life hacks are so valuable! Everyone should listen!

Learned something new every episode!
A friend of mine told me about this, and I’ve become a loyal listener ever since. There’s always something new I learn from each episode. I find myself going online and researching items in the show notes all the time. Highly recommend!

1st Podcast
I’ve never had interest in podcasts. Thanks to All the Hacks Podcast Giveaway, I have subscribed to my very first podcast and I am hooked!! I don’t know how you do it!

Podcast that everyone needs to listen for improve their lives in all areas
I started listening to Chris on the very fist day and never missed an episode . This podcast taught me some many things to fine tune my life as a new person to America.

This show saved me big time and upleveled so many aspect of my life!
Yes, Chris and his show have saved me money, but his recommendation for an app called Trustworthy also saved my son’s Disney Cruise vacation with my mom. I completely forgot to send my son with his passport and was also out of town when we realized this. Thanks to the life hacks and incredibly researched and unbiased recos of Chris, I just so happened to have an easily accessible and sharable copy of my son’s birth certificate which was enough for him and my mom to board the cruise. That ONE tip saved my family THOUSANDS of dollars and resulted in incredible memories for a lifetime. I’ve purposefully taken a couple month break from consulting gigs so I can get all my life things in order, and Chris’s podcast is the perfect blueprint for what to do. He researches things to the crazy extent that I do, making me feel confident taking his advice. My only request would be for him to interview more women as the majority of his guests are men. Thanks for the great show, Chris!

All The Hacks
Great Show!


Love the hacks!
Grateful someone is out there sorting through all these little or unknown deals to optimize your life! Educational and entertaining! Thx Chris!