All the Hacks with Chris Hutchins

Great show, one suggestion about ads

Great show about optimizing life, money and travel! One suggestion, I think it can greatly improve your podcast, and it will be easy for you to do regarding your ads. I understand you need to ads to support you, but if you could announce it before and after the ads, for example, say “ here is to thank our sponsors for making this show possible ….” and have unique sound “Ding” Before starting ads, and after the ads is completed, it will make listening much more enjoyable. I usually listen to podcasts when I am doing multiple things, sometimes not paying attention to every words, so sometimes it take a while to realize it was ads, it feels like swallowed something bad before realizing it. It’s also helpful to make each ads 30 seconds, so it’s easy to forward. Thanks!
You obviously are very smart, you are an entrepreneur, you have had great success, you don’t need money. I was wondering why would you be interested to spend that much time to get bonus etc. you certainly can make a lot more money if you invested time somewhere else. Obviously you share your learning and it benefits us, so thank you, just curious! Thank you 🙏

July 20, 2024 by bluespirits on Apple Podcasts

All the Hacks with Chris Hutchins

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