All the Hacks with Chris Hutchins

Amazing interview with Dr. Shlain

You continue to be my favorite podcast! (And, I listen to many pods!) Thanks so much for your variety of topics, each designed to improve our lives, and in particular for hosting Dr. Shlain this week. Since discovering you in mid 2022, I’ve listened to quite a few of your always insightful episodes. This one covering health was much appreciated. Your careful research and questions combined with the doc’s extremely thoughtful answers, tips and seasoned/vetted info and advice was helpful together with your sharing the highlights of your personal health journey re: cholesterol. As suggested at the end of your episode, please do bring back Dr. Shlain as often as you both have time to cover other health topics (i.e. and to name a few: the latest recommendations and best standards for dental, vision, neurological, digestive, urological and gynecological health, etc).

Jan. 14, 2023 by gigichipz on Apple Podcasts

All the Hacks with Chris Hutchins

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