All the Hacks with Chris Hutchins

#1 Travel Hack Podcast

I found Chris via another podcast where I was impressed with the level of detail of point hacking pertaining to credit cards and travel. I built up my credit score over the years and have access to top tier cards, but which one to use and when, and more importantly how to maximize points is what I love about ATH - the podcast, website and newsletter is the most useful resource I have found when it comes to determining the best use of one’s points! Chris has recently branched off into other areas of “hacks”, which although not all of them pertain to me, I always learn something new. I never knew there was a playbook for hosting the best cocktail networking event, but now I know the steps and plan to host one soon!

Aug. 12, 2022 by Garrett MOB on Apple Podcasts

All the Hacks with Chris Hutchins

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